“Young people will always go to the parallel market”, estimates Jean-Claude Alvarez, professor of toxicology


Video length: 4 min

Legalization of cannabis: “Young people will always go to the parallel market”, estimates Jean-Claude Alvarez, professor of toxicology

Jean-Claude Alvarez, director of the toxicology laboratory at Garches University Hospital (Hauts-de-Seine), was the guest of 19/20 info, Monday April 1. He raised the hypothesis of legalization of cannabis, while Germany has just authorized its recreational use.


Jean-Claude Alvarez, director of the toxicology laboratory at Garches University Hospital (Hauts-de-Seine), was the guest of 19/20 info, Monday April 1. He raised the hypothesis of legalization of cannabis, while Germany has just authorized its recreational use.

The consumption of cannabis for recreational use by adults became legal in Germany on Monday April 1. Guest of 19/20 info, Jean-Claude Alvarez, director of the toxicology laboratory at Garches University Hospital (Hauts-de-Seine), believes that “Legalizing cannabis is not going to change anything. As for the money earned, the taxes, look at alcohol and tobacco. It costs the State a lot more money to take care of the damage created by tobacco and alcohol only what it brings him”he said.

The risk of synthetic drugs

The professor also believes that legalizing cannabis will not put an end to the parallel market. “Your legal cannabis will be sold to the executive who wants to go to the store to buy a little gram of cannabis to have a good time on Saturday evening. But (…) stop thinking that all young people will suddenly stop consuming cannabis because it will be legal. They will have to find it. They will always go to the parallel market”he warned, also mentioning the risk of new synthetic drugs emerging.

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