“Young people are called sluts”: when bullying becomes a TikTok phenomenon

A cyberbullying phenomenon, named Expose, targeting young people from high schools all over the province, is circulating abundantly these days on the TikTok social network where threats, intimidation and insults proliferate freely.

After rising in popularity in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, it is now Eastern Quebec that is hit by this movement.

“We are aware of what is happening on the platform. If people believe they have been affected by this type of publication, we strongly advise that they file a complaint. Yes, there may be arrests and criminal charges,” said Sûreté du Québec (SQ) spokesperson Nancy Fournier.

A TVA Nouvelles article reported on Monday that the victims were often young girls.

The SQ specifies that a file can only be opened if the victims file a complaint with the local police department.

Serious consequences

Beyond the legal framework, bullies do not realize the impact on victims. “In a few hours, the damage is done. It’s an incredible stress for them and it can even become a trauma, ”said the president of his own foundation, Jasmin Roy, which aims to raise awareness against cyberbullying.

Prevention could, however, help the situation which is causing concern among many citizens and police forces. “There is prevention to be done with young people who could become cyberbullies and to make them aware of the consequences for the victims. It is very important to do this prevention, as well as train witnesses of intimidation, ”explained the expert at Tel-jeunes, Alexandra Fournier.

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