The criminal court also ordered the 19-year-old man, arrested in Bas-Rhin, to be banned from owning a weapon for five years and requested that his access to several groups on social networks be suspended.
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A young man belonging to the neo-Nazi movement, who had made threats on the internet, was sentenced on the night of Friday to Saturday July 20 in Paris to two years in prison. This sentence was accompanied by a warrant of committal, he was incarcerated.
The criminal court also ordered the 19-year-old man, arrested on Wednesday in Bas-Rhin, to be banned from owning a weapon for five years and requested that his access to several groups on social networks be suspended.
He was accused of having published on June 8 on a Telegram loop under the pseudonym “Panzer DAF (Division Aryan France)”, a recipe for preparing explosives, and of having called, still on this messaging service, to commit “ratonnades” after the rallies organised against the far right following the European elections.
He was finally suspected of having published a message in which he said he wanted “blow up the Elysée” and threatening a journalist specializing in the extreme right as well as the drag queen Minima Gesté after she was appointed as a bearer of the Olympic flame.
After his arrest, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said he wanted to intervene during a stage of the torch relay, but the Paris prosecutor’s office indicated that the comments that led to the investigations did not target the organisation of the Olympic Games.
He was tried in immediate appearance at the Paris judicial court, for dissemination by electronic communication network of processes enabling the manufacture of destructive devices, public and direct provocation without effect to commit an offence or a crime and threat of dangerous destruction for people materialized in writing, image or object.
While in police custody, the suspect had declared that he loved Adolf Hitler, claiming “neo-Nazi”. In court, the young man, with a shaved head, earring and black polo shirt, said he wanted “troll” And “make jokes”.