young explorers from the Côte d’Azur set off to conquer the North Pole

Three extreme explorers. Thomas Jarrey, a young director from the Côte d’Azur, sets off to conquer the North Pole with Flavien Hillat and Vincent Lavrov, his two friends who are also passionate about wide-open snowy spaces. All three take the direction of Svalbard, Norway, 900 kilometers from the northernmost point of the earth this Friday.

A 42-day expedition, where you don’t have to be afraid of the cold. The temperature will oscillate between -20 and -40 degrees. The goal: to show the disastrous consequences of global warming on the spot, to take as many images as possible and to tell the daily life as close as possible to the North Pole. The trio then hopes to sell a documentary. Budget to go to the far north: 60,000 euros, financed directly and by 9 sponsors, including Fischer, the city of Nice and the Isola 2000 ski resort.

Full of challenges! And dangers: explorers want to see a polar bear with their own eyes: “We vacuum-packed all the food so he wouldn’t find us”, explains Thomas Jarrey. The purpose of the trip is also to show the consequences of global warming on site.

In a few weeks the film of one of their expeditions will be released on Netflix in Europe. The subject ? The Ice Desert, the group’s very first expedition to Sweden.

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