Young Blacks Arrested in Quebec | François Legault does not require an external investigation

(Quebec) François Legault said he was “shocked” by the disturbing images of the arrest of young blacks in Quebec, but does not intend to request for the moment an external investigation into the actions of the police.

Gabriel Beland

Gabriel Beland

“It shocked me to see that. I want to know exactly what happened. Yes we see the photos, the images. But you have to have both versions. But I will not be naive, that shocked me too, ”said the Premier of Quebec on the sidelines of the inauguration of Club Med de Charlevoix.

Mr. Legault repeated several times his intention to go “to the bottom of things” to understand the circumstances surrounding the arrest of the two teenagers outside the Dagobert bar, early Saturday morning.

But the Prime Minister does not intend to immediately call for an external investigation. He wants to give the Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ) a chance to shed light. The police force opened an internal investigation and promises “clarifications on what happened that evening”.

“I think we can get to the bottom of things with an internal investigation,” said the Prime Minister. And if it’s necessary, I’ll get to the bottom of it. I want to be sure that we know exactly what happened. ”

“We wonder if it’s racism. I won’t go further than that. Is there a specific problem among the police officers in Quebec? Asked the Prime Minister.

“There is no reason to believe that this is a system that affects all police officers in Quebec. But we will get to the bottom of things, ”he promises.

The teenager plans to sue the City

The circumstances of this whole case could also be clarified by a court. The family of Pacifique Niyokwizera, 18, does not rule out suing Quebec City.

The lawyer who represents the young man explains that his client, after undergoing a muscular arrest, was escorted back in a car patrol far from the bar and abandoned at 3 a.m. in the street, without his phone or his identity cards.

“In my opinion, there is a serious fault that was committed by the police. We talk about human dignity, we talk about illegal arrest. The acts which were committed are serious and this is the reason why Mr. Niyokwizera does not rule out any possibility at this stage ”, notes Me Fernando Belton.

“He did not receive any tickets. He has no court date. He is not criticized for any gesture, adds the lawyer. Quebec police are silent on the reasons why he was arrested. ”

Me Fernando Belton explains that he wants to let the dust settle. “The parents are shaken, his brothers and sisters are shaken. We give ourselves a few days. I also want to have the chance to hear what the SPVQ is going to say, what the mayor of Quebec is going to say. ”

The images of the arrest seemed to rekindle memories in Mamadi Camara, who had been arrested and mistakenly accused of assaulting a police officer in January 2021 in Montreal.

“Having been the victim of police bestiality from the SPVM last winter, I actually understand the shock, the pain that this young black man and his family in Quebec endure. There is no place for this brutality in a city that promotes diversity, ”Camara wrote on social media.

The SPVQ has the reputation of never having had a black police officer in its midst. In June 2020 the police department confirmed that it had eleven indigenous police officers, two of Asian origin, but none black.

Press attempted to obtain the most recent figures. But a spokesperson for the SPVQ was not able to confirm Monday whether there was a black police officer “because of recent hires”. The SPVQ invited Press to make an access to information request.

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