Youn Sun Nah, the bewitching jazz virtuoso



Article written by

A. Delcourt, M. Diawara, R. Laurentin, G. Gheorghita – franceinfo

France Televisions

Korean jazz singer Youn Sun Nah, based in France, has released her 11th album “Waking World” written and composed alone, in times of confinement. She reveals her interior universe to us, without borders.

She has a whole palette of colors in her voice. Youn Sun Nah arrived in France from her native Korea in 1995 to study jazz. And to approach this new musical territory, she invested herself as a workaholic. The result: a breathtaking vocal technique that also allows him to reach heart the French public by taking up classics like Léo Ferré.

During a long 18-month confinement spent in Korea, Youn Sun Nah wrote and composed an entire album alone, for the first time. We discover, through his songs, his inner torments, his melancholy. “I have the opportunity to face myself. As if I were doing a diary every day”, explains the singer. To underline her melodies, she called on the trumpeter Airelle Besson.

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