“You will not be able to have well-treated staff if there are not enough of them”, warns the Defender of Rights

Beyond controls in nursing homes, “you will not be able to have well-treated staff if there are not enough of them”, alert Wednesday, January 26 on franceinfo the Defender of Rights Claire Hédon, who recommends a ratio of eight staff for ten residents. She was reacting to the publication of the book-investigation “Les Fossoyeurs”, by Victor Castanet, in which he denounces the practices and abuse of the elderly by the group of private nursing homes Orpea.

franceinfo: How did you feel reading the few passages of this book?

Claire Hedon: My thoughts go first of all to the elderly who live in these nursing homes and their families, because obviously it’s a shock. These are violations of people’s rights and dignity and it is because they are in a situation of vulnerability that there are possibilities of violations of rights and dignity. This is why there must be a control of the risk of infringement of rights.

How do we do these checks?

These controls must be carried out by the ARS and the departmental councils. We also produced a report on the fundamental rights of the elderly in nursing homes in May, because we have been seized 900 times in six years, with precisely situations of abuse that we have observed each time. I would like to insist on this, because we said that if we wanted to treat these elderly people well, there was an absolutely essential minimum ratio of supervision: 8 staff for 10 residents. In France, in the private sector we are at 6 and in the public around 7. In Germany, it is 10 for 10. So, when we ask for 8, it is not the end of the world. You will not be able to have good staff if there are not enough of them to take care of people. The State is in a position to impose this ratio.

Can it be imposed in public and private establishments?

Of course, from the moment the State provides funding also in the private sector. He has a right of control because there is public money but also because there is a risk of infringement of people’s rights. Our cursor in life, what should it be? For the elderly, it is respect for rights and dignity. What place are we ready to give to the elderly? What means are we ready to put in? Because when I talk about a minimum ratio, obviously I’m talking about financial means. What financial resources are we ready to provide so that the elderly are respected in their rights and in their dignity? This question is fundamental.

In the cases where you were contacted, was the Orpea group concerned?

Absolutely, we were seized by families of residents. We issued a decision in December 2019, with alarming findings that match what is said in the book and with a certain number of recommendations to the management of the establishment, to the management of the company in question and also for the ARS and the departmental council. There are recommendations that are followed but I repeat, this minimum ratio of 8 staff for 10 residents is vital.

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