You Showed Me. The Songs of Gene Clark, various artists

The Byrds? Yes, the 12-string Rick and the square glasses from McGuinn. Yes, Crosby’s smirk. Yes, the bass at Hillman’s Peak. But who knows the central place of Gene Clark in the group, his part in the composition of Set You Free This Time, I’ll Feel a Whole Lot Better, Eight Miles High ? It took a long time for that to be said, and even longer for his career, with the Gosdin Brothers, Dillard and Clark, the Flying Burrito Brothers or alone, to be traced. The Songwriter Series of Ace Records continues here to identify the traces that time threatened with erosion, even erasure. Because we’ve sung a lot of Gene Clark over the years, no wonder. This anthology shows it well, from Roxy Music to Juice Newton to Death in Vegas with Paul Weller. Vast influence. We will particularly cherish a Linda Ronstadt (He Darked the Sun) and we will be surprised at the level of excellence of full-circletitle track from the Byrds’ unloved 1973 reunion album. The point is, everything about Gene Clark is up for rediscovery.

You Showed Me The Songs of Gene Clark



Various Artists, Ace Records

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