“You should become a priest”, why Valérie Pécresse threw that at Cyril Hanouna?

In the show Do not touch My TVa few minutes before receiving in Facing Baba on C8 Valérie Pécresse, Cyril Hanouna was facing two members of the Daltons including Many GT. The Lyon rapper has been incarcerated in Corbas prison since last summer after being convicted for organizing his collective’s first clip. Except that when it came out, a punch action by the Daltons was carried out and made a lot of noise. They fired on the facade of the Rhône prefecture using paintball launchers.

At the very beginning of Baba’s political program, the evening guest returned to their presence on the talk show. “Why am I fighting today? Because I think my project for the country is the right one. Because I think we have to restore order, because I think the rise of the violence is enoughshe started before calling out to her interlocutor about the agitators of the Rhône. “Besides, I saw that the Daltons were on your set”said the candidate The Republicans. “If I were Gérald Darmanin, there would have been a policeman outside the studio to ask them about paintball and the prefecture”she added.

Then the host wanted to share some good news. “I hope they will keep their promises but they swore to me that they would not do any more misdeeds”. What, his guest replied: “You should become a priest you”she launched, triggering laughter and applause from the audience. “Or judge, that would be nice”. “Maybe, maybe, we will talk about it again if you are president,” replied the presenter. “I believe in reintegration, in the second chance. But I also believe that when we break, we repair. And when we attack a prefecture, we are punished”she concluded.

See also: “Sterile”, “the Ukrainians don’t care about our mug”, “shameful”, the clan of Valérie Pécresse violently attacks “his Majesty Emmanuel Macron” live on RMC


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