you may receive a text message on your phone

Attack of July 14 in Nice, accident at the Lubrizol factory in Rouen, Covid-19 crisis, underwater volcano near Mayotte… faced with the multiplication of crises, the public authorities are adapting their tools to effectively alert populations .

FR ALERT on all mobile phones

If you find yourself in a danger zone, you will receive an alert on your mobile phone. A text message indicates the danger: earthquake, flood, fire, attack, train accident, nuclear accident, epidemic… and explains the measures and instructions to take and follow to take shelter.

All phones will receive a message whether you are registered on a platform or not. A massive sending of alerts and priority information throughout the territory.

Several people can decide to send these alerts: the prefect of the department, the mayor of the municipality concerned or the Prime Minister.

Millions of messages in minutes

If necessary, cell broadcasting can be activated: the technology allows the broadcasting of several million messages at the same time. It’s intrusive: the device does not require a download or authorization from the owner of the mobile phone. The Written notification is accompanied by a shrill ringtone that will play even if you are in airplane mode.

FR-Alert operation

The system will be tested in Nice on Tuesday November 8, 2022. If you are in the Administrative Center (CADAM) area, you may receive a message on your mobile but it will be specified that this is an exercise.

source site-38