you live in an HLM and you are worried about the government’s bill? tell us

Franceinfo wants to give a voice to tenants who exceed the ceilings for their social housing category.



Reading time: 1 min

HLM apartments in Créteil, in Val-de-Marne, February 12, 2022. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The government presented its housing bill at the beginning of May, which will be examined by the Senate and then the National Assembly from June 17. The text, which aims to provide initial responses to the housing crisis, plans in particular to tighten the rules for the wealthiest tenants of social housing. The government intends to lower the thresholds above which tenants must pay additional rent. While households currently benefit from a margin of 20% compared to the ceilings corresponding to their category of social housing, the text wants to eliminate this margin and apply an additional rent as soon as their resources exceed the ceilings. And this, from the first additional euro.

The executive also wants to lower the income threshold above which the wealthiest tenants are evicted. Tenants who exceed the ceilings by 20% will therefore be evicted after a period of eighteen months, whereas the threshold is currently set at 50%. Social landlords could also end the lease of tenants who own housing that meets their needs or that can provide them with income allowing them to find private accommodation.

The editorial team would like to give a voice to tenants of social housing who could be affected by this bill. What is your situation ? Do you understand this reform? What are you planning to do ? Your responses will be consulted in the coming days by our journalist. If your testimony interests us, our journalist will contact you to discuss by telephone with a view to publishing an article. Your responses may remain confidential.

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