During these All Saints holidays, the Villandry Castle
opens its history to you with the visits “Castle life(s)!”. The big one, “The Château de Villandry is the last of the great Loire châteaux erected during the Renaissance in the Loire Valley. In line with François I, Jean Breton, the King’s Finance Secretary, transformed the medieval fortress of Colombiers into an elegant castle representative of the architectural audacity of the Renaissance.”
But also its more intimate story, who lived there, how did we live there? How was a building of this size heated, what furniture was there? So many questions that will be answered during these fun family visits.
Dorling Kindersley
A good way to discover the history of the Château de Villandry over the centuries and its various occupants.
At the end of the visit, you can even imagine your dream interior of the castle with your family during a workshop.
Next visits: Saturday 29 October, Wednesday 02 and Saturday 05 November at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Please note, reservation required
. The prices for this visit “Castle life(s)!” (Château, gardens and workshop) 17€ for adults, 12€ for young people.