“You have to understand above all that there is fire at home”, alert on France Inter Greta Thunberg

Facing a “unprecedented climate crisis”Greta Thunberg calls Monday, October 24 on France Inter “to focus on the global side of the climate emergency”at “educate people” and to “listen to scientists”. It is, she insists, “The most important”. The environmental activist deplores the fact “let us describe the symptoms of the crisis” without explaining its causes.

>> In France, global warming looks worse than expected, warn researchers from Météo France and CNRS

“Imagine, it’s as if the house is on fire and you say, how am I going to turn off the oven? It’s important to turn off the oven, but first of all you have to understand that there is fire in the house , that’s our concern”, says Greta Thunberg. For her, “we have enough information but not enough knowledge”, despite “increasingly clear and unequivocal scientific data”. “The current climate change is linked to the action of humanity, the climate is disrupting and perhaps even disrupting much faster than expected”warns the climate activist.

In an era that she describes as “particularly decisive in the history of humanity”the activist advocates “to stop extracting fossil fuels at the rate we are doing now.” “We must also stop subsidizing this type of energy source”, she adds. Without change, on a large scale, Greta Thunberg considers that “the whole society is in danger of collapsing”.

While the authorities are calling for everyone to be sober in the fight against climate change, Greta Thunberg believes that “It’s not the people’s fault” and that it is up to the political power to “protect the workers”those who “have to fight to survive”.

“The climate crisis is also a subject of injustice. Some people are more responsible than others.”

Greta Thunberg

at France Inter

According to her, “The people who have contributed the most to this crisis will be hit the least by the effects of this climate change, while those who have contributed the least will suffer the most”. The teenager committed to the climate points to the role of political leaders, who “constantly cheat” and try “to tack”in order to “to avoid their responsibilities”and the “heavy responsibility” medias.

“I believe that this climate crisis is also an information crisis which is not disseminated as it should be”, says the activist. For her, the media “are the driver of a vehicle launched at full speed. They are the ones who have this ability to talk to people, in such a short time, that’s what we need. Talking quickly to people. Because we can’t change democratic way only if the people are sufficiently aware and mobilized to put pressure on the leaders”says Greta Thunberg.

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