“You have no shame” ? Eric Zemmour clashed by Apolline de Malherbe

Candidate for the legislative elections in the 4th district of Var with his young Reconquest movement, Eric Zemmour is very busy with his campaign in the south, even if it is not there that he will vote (he is still registered in Paris). The former columnist and essayist wants to bounce back at all costs after the defeat of the presidential elections and the 7% of his party when he hoped to reach the second round. It is therefore more vehement than ever that we find him at the microphone of Apolline de Malherbe on BFMTV / RMC during his famous interview this June 9, 2022. The host and journalist does not spare the politician in l welcoming with a cash phrase: “You have no shame ?

This question follows the introduction of Apolline de Malherbe: she quoted passages from the tribune that the former sniper ofWe are not in bed in Le Figaro, a newspaper for which he wrote for a long time. In this open letter addressed to the parents of pupils in France, the candidate for the legislative elections is concerned about the appointment of the new Minister of National Education, Pape Ndiaye, who succeeded Jean-Michel Blanquer, and, more broadly, of “imposed destructive teaching“to children in public education.

Eric Zemmour does not disassemble to answer the presenter of the show and assumes each sentence of what is part of his controversial theory of the “great replacement”. He takes the example of his three children, Hugo, Thibault and Clarisse, born of his marriage to Mylène Chichportich, to prove that he knows the content of school books and what children are taught. When Apolline de Malherbe describes his tribune as a caricature, he persists in explaining how useful it can be for illustrating ideas, as the greatest philosophers did before him.

To return to the spotlight after the grueling experience of the presidential elections, Eric Zemmour wears the costume he prefers, that of polemicist. Sometimes, the controversy happens without his wanting it, however, like that on his relationship with the young enarque turned campaign director, Sarah Knafo. His private life is the subject of all attention and those he wanted to preserve at all costs – his children – suffer, as the book reveals. The Intriguing Sarah Knafo (Robert Laffont editions), written by journalists Ava Djamshidi and François-Xavier Ménage.

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