You don’t believe your son is trans? You might be sent to prison

The newspaper The Telegraph we learned that the Scottish government is currently working on a bill which is based on gender theory.

Among its elements, we find an explicit desire to penalize parents who hinder their child’s gender transition.

I translate: if this law is passed, a parent who seeks to warn his child against changing sex (or gender, as we say today), who refuses to call him by the new first name he chooses himself and the pronouns he uses to identify himself, could get 7 years in prison.


For what? Because the diversity ideology has managed to convince itself that this would be violence against it, similar to the delusional conversion therapies which aim to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality.

The world is turned upside down: it is no longer the radical trans activists who seek to transform young people into non-binary or trans to find an answer to their existential discomfort who are guilty of identity proselytism, but the parents seeking to contain their influence.

It is not the activists who promote gender theory who should be criticized, but the parents who do what they can to avoid the psychological and physical mutilation of their child.


Do we really need to remember that the idea of ​​being of another “gender” than that of their sexual body does not appear spontaneously in the heads of children? They are the guinea pig children of a new ideology obsessed with the deconstruction of identities.

Concretely, parental authority is trampled on and the Scottish state now claims to replace parents who do not submit to gender authority, even to the point of threatening to imprison them.

Tomorrow it could happen to us.

source site-64