You don’t believe in anything, you only believe in vaccines”, a fight between Cyril Hanouna who defends the Minister of Culture and his columnist, Géraldine, convinced of a staging!

This is a sequence that has caused a lot of ink to flow! This Monday, April 24, 2023 took place the 34th night of Molières at the Théâtre de Paris. Invited to the prestigious ceremony, a political personality had the merit of attracting all the spotlight on her! Her name ? Rima Abdul Malak, the current Minister of Culture who was heckled during an award ceremony. On stage two artists – Toufan Manoutcheri and Lucie Astier – challenged the politician about the very controversial pension reform.

In front of the assembly, the duo condemned their inaction: “When are you going to decide to come out of your silence? Since January 13, you have not answered the questions posed by our unions on the consequences of this reform for our intermittent workers. To everyone’s surprise, Rima Abdul Malak then grabbed a microphone to defend his record: “Usually, the role of the minister is to sit back and say nothing. But, there, it is not possible”, she replied. “You have a ministry that provided massive aid during the crisis [sanitaire] to support you all”.

And to add: “You have a minister at the head of this ministry who has released a historic budget […] for inflation and energy bill […]”. During her tirade, the principal concerned also denounced the choice of certain unions – which on several occasions – would have postponed or canceled interviews with her. My door is open, thus concluded Rima Abdul Malak.

see also:

“When I saw the thing yesterday…”

A stunt on which Cyril Hanouna and his columnists wanted to bounce back in “Do not touch My TV” the day after this illustrious evening. If Raymond Aabou was challenged by her intervention, Lino’s dad – at first – praised her: “Do you want me to tell you the truth?! When I saw the thing yesterday, I honestly said not bad… She assured”. “But did you believe it right away?”, ticked Géraldine Maillet.

“But of course I believed it. Everyone believed it… Bah you, you don’t believe in anything! You only believe in vaccines”, added Cyril Hanouna, annoyed. “It’s a bit old fashioned…” dropped the companion of Daniel Riolo before the presenter gave the floor to Kelly Vedovelli. For his part, Cyril Hanouna acknowledged that the sequence had certainly been “orchestrated” : “Of course it’s a fake […] It’s as if you had a quiz and we gave you the answers in advance […]”.


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