“You do 20 less”, Laeticia Hallyday still amazed by her mother, Françoise, who has just turned 70!

Since the death of Johnny Hallyday, the links have become even closer between Laeticia Hallyday and her daughters. But also with his own mother. However, this has not always been the case.

This is what she confided in the columns of She. “My father is a fighter, he comes from a fishing family. My mother, who comes from a bourgeois background of pharmacists and surgeons, was very pampered and she always remained a bit of a little girl, very kind but not able to make decisions. My father moved to Miami where he opened a nightclub. That summer, on vacation at his house, with my brother, (…) we discovered him wasted, sick, locking himself in the dark, suicidal, because his partner had left him. My brother has returned to France. Me, I stayed to look after him (…) It’s true that with my mother it took us time to understand each other, especially in the period of my life when I was destroying myself” explained Laeticia Hallyday.

This Sunday, June 5, 2022, the companion of Jalil Lesperthonored the end of her life since Françoise Thibaut celebrated her 70th birthday. Thus, Laeticia Hallyday declared under a series of photos of the accomplice duo where we could read: “Happy birthday mom @francoisethibaut #70 years the most beautiful age and you are 20 years younger in your heart and in the reflection of your soul. My mom, my warrior mom… you continue to be our light that guides us. So grateful for you, your sweetness, your delicacy, your tenderness, your joie de vivre, your bursts of laughter, your epicurean gluttony, your kindness and a thousand other qualities that make you so unique and so precious fill us with happiness every day. I love you more than anything”.

A message that pleased fans who love to discover photos with ease of Laeticia Hallyday accompanied by her loved ones. Thus, the publication generated reactions such as: “Happy birthday Françoise with a little delay. It’s true that you are beautiful” or “Happy New Year to your mom, and yes she does 20 less”.


See also: Laeticia Hallyday sick?

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