You couldn’t miss it. Punchline lessons with Senator Claude Malhuret

There are two things I’m sure about this morning:

Few people are able to name at least five senators out of the 348 that we have (if you are able, don’t do it or I just have to leave this studio). And second thing, absolutely nobody watched, on TV, the debates on the vaccine pass in the Senate.

No, but it’s true, we can say it to each other: we do not know the masses of our senators. We respect them but we don’t really know them.

Alright, well, let’s present one to you. And this one, you will not forget:

I therefore present to you Senator Agir de l’Allier Claude Malhuret. He is also a doctor and very upset against the anti-health pass, anti-tax and fake news.

The Philippots, Asselineau, Le Pen, Dupont-Aignan or Mélenchon, this German-Soviet disinformation pact, were successively for chloroquine, against the vaccine, against the health pass and now against the vaccine pass, with absolute infallibility in blindness. These lovers of dictatorships, they still have to be inflated to accuse the government and Parliament of taking measures against freedom. If they had been in power, vaccination would have wasted months. And the deaths would have been much more numerous, as with their friends Bolsonaro the antivax or Putin and its ineffective vaccine demanded with loud cries by Mélenchon and which even the Russians do not want. The French would only have been entitled to phony remedies from an incredible guru, validated by the Twitter school of medicine and the Facebook university“he said from the podium.

We could totally disagree, but his mastery of the punchline is undeniable:

“These Stakhanovists of error and cynicism are against the vaccine pass, not to preserve the health of our fellow citizens, but to recover the voices of the extremists. Whatever you do, Minister, for them, you will do wrong. I suggests an idea for you to vaccinate the 5 million who are missing: ban the vaccine, they will demand that everyone be injected. “

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