“You could say he is one of Ukraine’s best friends,” say Odessa residents

True support since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian president welcomed with “sadness” the announcement of the resignation of the British Prime Minister, Thursday, July 7. A feeling shared by Ukrainians.

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The resignation of Boris Johnson, Thursday July 7, also made the front page of the Ukrainian media. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the British Prime Minister for his support in the face of the Russian invasion: “We all greeted this news with sadness. Not only me, but also the whole Ukrainian society which sympathizes very much with you”said the head of state.

>> United Kingdom: Boris Johnson will leave “major budgetary decisions” to the next Prime Minister

An opinion shared by the youth of this country at war for more than four months. In Odessa, Maxime, a volunteer in a humanitarian association, listens to a Ukrainian tube which precisely takes up a declaration by Boris Johnson, during his visit to Ukraine in April 2022: “Dobry den Everybody”. A mixture of Ukrainian and English to say “hello everyone”, which has become almost cult here.

“It’s a song that expresses our level of love for Boris Johnson”, laughs Maxime. Who, more seriously, like many Ukrainians, knows how important Boris Johnson’s help was: the British delivered a little more than a billion euros worth of weapons and military equipment.

“You could say that Boris Johnson is one of Ukraine’s best friends in half a word. It’s clear, he was really important to us.”

Yana and Regina, two Ukrainian volunteers

at franceinfo

Iana and Regina, two other Ukrainian volunteers, hail Boris Johnson’s support for Ukraine. “While his resignation may raise some concerns about a drop in military aid from the British, we are not very worried. Ukrainian soldiers will continue to kill Russians. That is not going to change”say the two young women.

Boris Johnson’s resignation seen from Ukraine. The report by Valentin Dunate

to listen

After the announcement of Boris Johnson’s resignation, petitions are multiplying on social networks to rename Ukrainian avenues or erect monuments in certain cities of the country. There’s also a joke going around that Boris Johnson would make… a very good Ukrainian prime minister.

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