It is not always easy to hold back your mother’s impulses. Carole Bouquet, for example, would love to have the chance to collaborate professionally, again, with her older son. Unfortunately, even on a film set, she cannot chase the natural without it galloping back. “I loved it when my eldest son spun me around, because I could see him, she explained on the set of the show C to You, on France 5. But he hated it at the same time because, it was cold for example, and I would say to him: “Dimitri, put on a hat! ‘“
A true mother hen, Carole Bouquet has traced the path of her two sons who also gravitate in the wonderful world of the seventh art. In a relationship with Jean-Pierre Rassam, she first welcomed Dimitri into her life – now husband of Charlotte Casiraghi –, in 1981. Then in 1987, it was Louis who was born of his love affair with the director and photographer Francis Giacobetti. In love with Philippe Sereys de Rothschild since at least 2014, she continues to see her children grow up with the necessary distance and respect … except when she has the opportunity to give them the hook.
I am a mother hen. A little too much
When she was filming for Dimitri Rassam, Carole Bouquet did not hesitate to talk to her like a mother to her son … in front of all the colleagues, even if it meant causing a few moments of embarrassment. “Mom, you can’t do it to me in front of the whole team! “, he would have tried to reason with her. It must be said that she did not go dead hand. She had also sent him a huge mounted piece on her birthday. “But at the same time he’s my son, she defended herself in front of the hilarity of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. It’s cold, I put a scarf around his neck. I am not oppressive. I’m a little mother hen. A little too much …“One thing is certain: these two form, side by side, a strange Bouquet!