“You are still here !” : Charles III at the origin of yet another very embarrassing stroke of blood

Oh my god I hate this

Liz Truss is currently battling a political and economic crisis that is destroying the UK, with financial markets scared off by her plans and her Conservative Party plummeting in the polls. King Charles III will have to get into the habit of receiving his colleague, since a private audience is planned between them, on a weekly basis according to tradition. This is not the first time, however, that Charles has shown impatience with his royal duties. Many still remember his nervous breakdown when he tried, in vain, to sign a book using a capricious pen.

Remember. Comfortably installed in Hillsborough Castle, near Belfast, King Charles III had literally freaked out when he failed to initial a page – and that he had, in addition, made a mistake in the date. “I can’t stand this damn thinghe then exclaimed. Oh my god I hate this.” It would be necessary, however, to make a small effort not to treat Liz Truss, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in the same way as a school supply…

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