“You are not above the law”

The TFC snatched its qualification for the 32nd finals of the Coupe de France after regulation time this Sunday in Trélissac. A match where Philippe Montanier was warned, as in Libourne. Quite annoyed by the attitude of certain members of the refereeing body.

Montanier: “15 years that I ask the microphones”

“I was angry. We have to respect the referees, that we talk to them well. But the referees also have to talk well to the players. We have to record, we have to solve the problem. Referees don’t have to talk badly to players. It has to go both ways, it pisses me off. The yellow card is anecdotal. Attention gentlemen and ladies referees, you are not above the law. Speak correctly. I’ve been asking for microphones for 15 years. Already this will protect the referees. The players should not speak badly but we will also notice that referees speak badly to the players. Very few, but there are “, he confided at the end of the meeting.

Monday evening draw

The TFC will know this Monday evening in the evening the identity of its opponent for the 32nd finals of the Coupe de France which will be played on the weekend of December 18 and 19.

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