“You are an outlaw!”, star of “Large families, life in XXL”, this famous mother sees her children refused at school and gets carried away!

It’s not always easy to be in the spotlight. Since its first steps in the program “Large families, life in XXL”, the Bambara clan has paid the price. Indeed, very active on social networks, the famous tribe continues to receive hate messages. Internet users seem to question the way in which the young mother educates her four children. ” I received lots of messages telling me: ‘You should have taken their pacifier off, they are great at wearing pacifiers’. So I think every child goes at their own pace. Besides, Chemsy took it off on his own. They go at their own pace “, she recently said.

But if Internet users allow themselves to give their opinion, it is a completely different situation which has just pissed off Rofrane Bambara. This Wednesday, May 25, the matriarch spoke on her Instagram account to explain that her children’s teachers were disrespectful. One evening, the young woman even found her son Kheïry, suffering from autism, alone in front of the school. Without further ado, the mother of the family therefore summoned the director to find out the reason for such a situation. But when she threatened to withdraw her children from the establishment because of this terrible error, a remark did not fail to anger her.

“We are reality TV people”

You have to know that the teachers choose who is in their class and in this case, they refused two of our children because we are reality TV people “. She also added: When you are a teacher, you do not choose a student for his head, for his beliefs or for anything and even less, because these people have chosen to do television. From the moment two teachers refuse children in their class, you are outlaws… Depriving my children of a normal education, that does not pass “. An injustice that remains across the throat of Rofrane Bambara.


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