“You are accused of being sadistic, the candidates are suffering because of you”, Jean-Luc Reichmann taken aback in the middle of a radio interview, ends up responding to the enormous controversy from which “Les 12 coups de midi” suffers!

Favorite animator of the French who gets the hang of it with Stéphane Plaza, it sometimes happens that Jean-Luc Reichmann receives a volley of green wood. The proof, when a new rule appeared in the “12 strokes of noon”. From now on, candidates can no longer have access to it as “easily” as usual. A change that caused a lot of talk on the networks and on which the host wanted to react.

Guest this Wednesday, April 5 on South Radiothe companion of Nathalie Lecoultre could not miss the subject. “So I have a small complaint!”launched Gilles Ganzmann when the game of the first channel was mentioned. “You are sadistic as it seems!”, outbid his colleague Valérie Expert when she spoke to Jean-Luc Reichmann before the first specified: “No, it’s because you put a very small photo now you changed the rule of the star. Result you had a candidate, while there was the photo of the person to be found, who could not find not. In the photo she was not very recognizable”.

See also: “I only have one year left”: Jean-Luc Reichmann on the start? The host of “12 noon shots” without filter on his future at TF1

A new rule deemed “sadistic” in the “12 noon shots”, Jean-Luc Reichmann reacts

With great irony, Jean-Luc Reichmann then defended himself: “I completely agree with you, it’s scandalous, I’m going to call the production!”. “No, but on the other hand, there is a new game rule, that’s why. I’ll explain it to you”, he then continued with much more seriousness. When Valérie Expert recalled that Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion was qualified as “sadistic” and accused of doing “suffer” the candidates with this change, the moderator recalled the case of Stéphane.

“At one point, we had an extraordinary person from Haute-Marne, whose name was Stéphane […] And the gentleman falls, he groans, well too bad he falls like any candidate can fall from a game and therefore he is eliminated”he recalled before lamenting: “He leaves, he had done all the work, the next day someone arrives and steals the star with all the gifts when he had done nothing! It was not deserving at all, so I took a volley of green wood on social media and we were like ‘but this is totally unfair'”.

In fact, Jean-Luc Reichmann and the teams of “12 strokes of noon” have chosen to make some changes: “there was this injustice which was repaired so if there is a person who arrives at the last moment, it must be deserving to do a masterstroke to win all these gifts and not at once baguette saying ‘oh well, it’s Valérie Expert that I see in the star'”. For him, it is therefore not a question of “sadism” but simply of being “deserving” to win the gifts.


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