“You already know who you’re going to eject…”

It’s time for introspection for Louis Bertignac. Jean-Louis Aubert’s sidekick signs his big comeback with an autobiography rich in anecdotes. In his book entitled “Jolie petite histoire”, the musician opened up in all sincerity about his incredible journey. In the past, the main interested party has shown himself brilliantly – as a coach – in the program “The Voice”. Facing the camera, the happy father of three children aimed to unearth the rare pearl among the countless talents from the four corners of France.

To the chagrin of his fans, Louis Bertignac ended up leaving the adventure. According to his words, he does not have good memories. Quite the contrary! “At first, I thought it was fun. I cracked up to see that there were so many good singers: I was a coach, but technically the candidates sang better than me. But after having created a team and welded a group, you have to start firing them after a month, and that, frankly, annoys me”he analyzed in the columns of South West this Friday, April 29, 2022.

“The show forces you to play the hypocrite…”

Cash as usual, the artist also lifted the veil behind the scenes of the famous program. “The very concept of the show forces you to play the hypocrite”he added. “When you prepare the ‘battles’, you already know who you are going to eject and you have to hide it so as not to demotivate it”. However, Louis Bertignac enjoyed participating in “The Voice Kids”. The mood was not the same as he pointed out.

“After two seasons, I accepted ‘The Voice Kids’ because it was different: the kids stay on the show until the end, and whatever happens, at the end of the year, go back to school after the show. You’re not playing with their lives.”, he conceded. To this day, the star aspires to lead ” a quiet life “ away from the spotlight. “I am happier than ever. I have a lovely wife, a loving family, […] I don’t have a castle to maintain or stuff like that. I make my music without absolutely needing it to be a hit. It’s an incredible opportunity”, he concluded. It is said !


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