yes to the vote, provided you are well informed

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Thursday January 6, meeting with Solène and Audrey, (24 and 25 years old) graphic designers in Paris.

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How to form a political opinion when you are 25 years old? For Solène and Audrey, graphic designers in Paris, it is not necessarily easy. If they have difficulty forming an opinion, it is according to them because they lack clear and educational information on the candidates and their various programs.

I have always had the posture of the person who does not give his opinion because he does not know enough about it, says Audrey, 25, who is trying to get interested in politics in preparation for the 2022 election. But I have trouble finding the information that interests me“. The same goes for Solène, who appreciates all the more the presence of politicians on social networks.”It’s interesting to adapt to today’s world and to young people and not to be only on television or the radio, which we don’t listen to all the time.

“Emmanuel Macron tried to put himself on social networks and I find it nice. I think they should all do that.”

Audrey is more suspicious. “I don’t know if social networks are the best way to convey information“. The young graphic designer”don’t watch tvAt the start of the health crisis, when she was confined, it was her parents who sent her messages to inform her.

“It will be the presidential election where I will vote while being more informed.”

If the two young graphic designers sometimes have trouble getting information, they still want to vote without knowing for whom at this stage of the campaign. Solène asks herself the question of the legitimacy of her vote. “I vote but I sometimes tell myself that it is not necessarily good that I have the right to vote, in the sense that I am not sufficiently informed to the point of having a very sharp opinion.

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