Yes, “Quebec deserves better” | The duty

Thank you to the representatives of the citizen movement “Quebec deserves better” (QMM) for your courage and for your slogan. I simply wanted to tell you that, despite the failure of your lawsuit on the legal level (which was for me, from this angle, a lost cause), your slogan was on the other hand quite right.

Correct, because he said that it was possible to be in favor of public transit without being in favor of the tramway project, which will have negative impacts on urban development, on our environment and on our urban heritage, at the heart of Quebec. Your slogan reminded me of the fact that, from the point of view of social acceptability, the SRB project (rapid service by bus) had the support of 77% of the population of Quebec and 68% of the population of Lévis.

It is not only the national capital that deserved better, but the whole of the greater Quebec City region, since the SRB project made it possible to connect Quebec and Lévis with a modern, ecological and flexible public transit network.

We end up with two parallel and costly projects that are inconsistent with each other, both from an environmental point of view, land use planning and public transport. How else can we say that we deserve better from our politicians?

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