“Yes!”, Karine Le Marchand in a relationship with a farmer? His cash response

She is the French’s favorite presenter. For many years, the French audiovisual landscape has not been able to do without Karine Le Marchand, omnipresent on the sixth channel. And for good reason, for more than a decade, she has been at the helm of M6’s flagship romance show: Love is in the meadow.

A program that she knows by heart since in 14 seasons, Karine Le Marchand has met around a hundred farmers eager to find love. A proximity to the agricultural world which has also pushed Stéphane Plaza’s sidekick to highlight this difficult profession via a documentary soon to be broadcast on the small screen.

On November 27, 2023, the host will indeed present Peasant family: 100 years of history. A document which will retrace the lives of six farming families over a century of history. A project that is close to her heart. Via her Instagram account, Karine Le Marchand wrote the following text: “It’s a committed film, which will make you understand everything, I hope, and above all move away from Agribashing and towards Agriloving.”

Also see: Karine Le Marchand smashes Justine from “L’amour est dans le pré”!

The secrets of Karine Le Marchand

Guest on the airwaves of South Radio,
Karine Le Marchand was the guest of Valérie Expert and Gilles Ganzman this Friday, November 24, 2023. The opportunity to promote her documentary, but also to answer questions from the duo of journalists… even the most intimate ones! And as proof, Gilles Ganzman asked the host if she saw herself in a relationship with a farmer: “Living all the time not because I work,” she first replied. And added: “But yes I could fall in love, I could but it depends on which one and what he does.”


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