yes, but what does it change for the candidates?

The presidential election is fast approaching, we are one month away from the first round. The candidates are formalized, Emmanuel Macron therefore declared, but will this really augur a new era in the debates and the way of campaigning?

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Reading time : 1 min.

The twelve candidates on the starting line of the presidential election are formalized, and among them the last to have declared himself: Emmanuel Macron. But what changes the formalization of the candidate president in the campaign? For the opposition, and for the majority?

On the one hand, candidates frustrated that the outgoing refuses them a debate before the first round, goes without presenting its results to the French. On the other, very tense teams around an Emmanuel Macron who has not been more accessible or less secret since he has been openly campaigning. And in the middle, the war in Ukraine which monopolizes the attention and the agenda of the President.

Also in this episode, go behind the scenes of the verification work of the Cellule Vrai du False of franceinfo, which has a lot to do in this final stretch of the presidential campaign.

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