Yemen | Washington says it has “destroyed” two Houthi sites

(Washington) The American army announced Wednesday evening that it had struck two Houthi sites in Yemen, including a command center, after a series of attacks in recent days by these Yemeni rebels against ships circulating in the Red Sea and the Gulf of ‘Aden.

In addition to a command center, the American army “destroyed” a control station also located in areas controlled by the Houthis in Yemen, as well as two unmanned Houthi boats in the Red Sea, Central Command indicated on X of the US Army Middle East (Centcom).

The day before, Centcom had indicated that it had shot down eight drones from the Houthis who have been carrying out attacks off the coast of Yemen for months against ships which, according to them, serve Israel, saying they were acting in support of the Gaza Strip being bombarded by the army. Israeli.

The British Maritime Safety Agency (UKMTO) also indicated that a cargo ship attacked last week by the Houthis and abandoned off the coast of Yemen “appears to have sunk” in the Red Sea.

The M/V Tutor, a Greek ship flying the Liberian flag, was struck on June 12 by a maritime drone and a missile, causing the death of a Filipino crew member and serious damage, according to the United States, which are leading a coalition against these Iranian-backed rebels.

Maritime forces deployed in the area reported “maritime debris and oil seen at the last reported location,” the UKMTO said Tuesday evening.

The cargo ship had been abandoned by its crew due to a major leak caused by a missile fired from near the Yemeni city of Hodeida, controlled by the Houthis, according to the UKMTO.

A few days after the M/V Tutor, another cargo ship hit by missiles fired from Yemen by the rebels, the M/V Verbena, was abandoned in the Gulf of Aden by its crew.

Attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, key maritime areas for global trade, have sent insurance costs soaring and prompted many shipping companies to sail through the southern tip of Africa , a much longer path.

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