Yannick (The Villa of broken hearts) evokes “the lack” of his dad: sad confidences (EXCLUDED)

After participating in Married at first sight 2021 or to the NRJ12 series influencesYannick is back on television in The Villa of Broken Hearts, on TFX. For the occasion, the young man confided in this comeback to Purepeople.

Why did you participate in The Villa of Broken Hearts ?

They contacted me and I said to myself: ‘Why not, I just have to gain experience’. It was an unknown world, I didn’t look at all. I didn’t know anyone from reality TV so I thought it might be a good adventure. And I had the possibility of being able to do it with my work.

How did you experience this shooting in this new universe?

It wasn’t at all like Married at first sight. I will say that it was a very good first experience, but that does not suit me. I’m a fairly calm and discreet person and I don’t think you have to be like that. I’m not a messy guy, who will create stories. But I don’t regret anything, any experience is good to take. In the future, I would prefer to do something adventurous or sporty. Or even why not as a couple if I ever find love.

Your subscribers were not necessarily delighted with this choice, to turn to reality TV. What do you say to them?

I understand them. I know I have a lot of moms or older people following me. It’s not the target so when I announced it, they were shocked. I know you might think I did Married at first sight for that. To divorce and then do reality TV, but not at all. My ex-wife [Mélina, NDLR] Dare to say that when she knows very well why we are no longer together. I didn’t sign up for both shows. It bothers me, but people who actually know me know that’s not the case. I still get a lot of positive messages.

And your mom, whom you are very close to, what did she think of it?

She was against it, but I was able to reassure her. I told her she knew me and that I wouldn’t do anything weird.

During filming, you talked about your dad’s absence. What consequences did that have in your life?

The lack. I often think about it since I was little or when I see a friend who is a dad. During my meetings with Lucie [la love coach, NDLR], you will be able to see what positive and negative consequences it had in my life. There are things that I don’t at all want to reproduce in the future, for example.

Did you have contact with him?

My mother refused to let him recognize me. He died during my childhood. Around the age of 18, I wanted to get interested in this subject but it was too late.

Do you still work as a firefighter and security guard?

Indeed. I’m a volunteer firefighter so it’s me who decides when I take a call. And I have my other full-time job on the side. I am given a lot of opportunities to do things outside.

Have your participations had an impact on your career?

Any. The only thing that changes is that I am recognized in the street. But everything is going very well. Sometimes I make partnerships but apart from that, nothing has changed. My life is the same without TV. I do not live from social networks or filming. All I gain from all this is a plus.

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