Yannick Noah: His son Joalukas plays the stylish bad boys for a new fashion campaign

Another model in the Noah family? After the promising debut of her sublime daughter Jenaye, Yannick Noah may become the father of a second fashion icon. News that should surely delight the 61-year-old former tennis player, very disappointed recently after the new disappointment of PSG, his heart team. Father of five children, the oldest of whom Joakim was a very high-level basketball player, the singer, who lives most of his time in Cameroon, often returns to France to share moments with his son. Joalukas (17), who lives in Paris with her mother Isabelle Camus.

Very active on social networks, the young man likes to share moments of life with his subscribers, like his last birthday party, which was particularly successful. If until now he showed himself mainly with his friends in Paris, it seems that he has chosen to evolve in the world of fashion, if we stick to the last publication put online by the label Gut . On its Instagram account, the eco-responsible brand has chosen to highlight Joalukas for its advertising campaign.

Muse of an eco-responsible brand

Looké, the blonde with curly hair and blue eyes wears a black biker jacket and a scarf which make him look like a bad boy. “Positive Revolution”, writes the brand in the commentary of the photo. Placed on the roofs of Paris, Joalukas seems to have a natural talent for modeling and it’s not the only one in the family! A first advertising campaign for the young boy living in Paris, but who could well start modeling and make it his job.

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