Yannick Noah: His son Joalukas is struggling to keep his feet on the ground, his famous grandfather says

Joalukas Noah is already starting to make a name for itself. Yannick Noah’s youngest son is the most talked about because of his presence on social networks. At 18, the fruit of the love of the former tennis player and Isabelle Camus shares his daily life with his 10,000 subscribers, marked by many crazy Parisian evenings, most of the time in the company of other daughters and sons of. What quickly lose the head to believe his famous grandfather, Jean-Claude Camus. In the show At Jordan’sof Tele-Leisurethe illustrious producer confided in the subject, revealing that he had trouble managing the weight of his famous surname.

It’s complicated for Jo because he has a mother who had this big success, his father who is stopped everywhere in the street, including abroad. (…) And then me of course, it’s a bit complicated to keep your feet on the ground“, thus informed Jean-Claude Camus about Joalukas Noah. Still according to him, it was complicated for the youngest son of Yannick Noah to manage the crazy life of his parents, having been cut off from the world all the same for much of his childhood.”In addition, he left with his parents almost four years by boat to go around the world. It cut him off from everything. For him, it’s a bit complicated to manage anyway“, he confessed. However, this did not prevent Jean-Claude Camus from forging a strong relationship with his grandson. We keep very close ties. (…) He gave me a beautiful grandson“, admitted the producer.

A young entrepreneur with a busy nightlife

Joalukas Noah is the last of a family of five children, from three different mothers. From a first marriage between Yannick Noah and Cécilia Rodhe was first born Joakim Noah in 1985 then Yelena Noah in 1987. Separated from their mother, Yannick Noah later remarried in 1995 to Heather Stewart-Whyte, with whom he had two daughters, Elejah (born in 1996) and Jenaye (born in 1997). Then, he started a new life with Isabelle Camus until the breakup in the summer of 2020, and the couple had a son, Joalukas in 2004. In addition to his busy nightlife, the 18-year-old is also a confirmed entrepreneur, having created his own line of sportswear.

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