Yannick Noah: Big party with his youngest son Joalukas in Cameroon, accompanied by his “crazy friends”

If there is a common point between all the members of the family of Yannick Noah, it is their taste for the party. The father has never hidden his love for frenzied evenings that last until the end of the night and his five children have obviously inherited his solar temperament. We were able to realize this this summer during the sublime wedding of Joakim Noah with the beautiful Lais Ribeiro. A ceremony held in Brazil and for which all the children were gathered to celebrate and especially celebrate the union between the two stars. If he is the youngest of the clan, Joalukas is never the last to have fun and as he regularly shows on his Instagram account, he is a very good living.

The 18-year-old young man lives in Paris with his mother, Isabelle Camus, and he takes full advantage of the charms of the city of light. A big party animal, he oscillates between poker evenings with his friends and the most select nightclubs in the capital. This summer, in addition to going to Brazil, Joalukas also traveled to Cameroon, the country of his father, who decided to return to live there a few years ago. It was at the end of July that the tall, blond, blue-eyed man went to Yaoundé, the country’s capital, and he had the chance to meet the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, who was visiting the country. Returned several months ago he decided to share the good times of his trip with his followers on Instagram.

I am super happy and proud to have made this country known to my completely crazy friends

Very active on the platform, Joalukas shared a video bringing together the best memories of this trip he made with several of his friends. “Cameroon was so cool. I am super happy and proud to have made this country known to my crazy friends. Now they know real life, writes Jenaye’s brother, who concludes with a well-known motto: “What happened in Cameroon, stays in Cameroon. good vibes only“. Rekindled moments that obviously pleased Yannick Noah, who was quick to comment: “Great video!!! Great memories with you magic boys!!!”.

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