The city councilor also said he was surprised at the “excitement” caused by the announcement of his resignation on Wednesday. In particular, it sparked a wave of support among elected officials.
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He speaks for the first time since the announcement of his resignation. Yannick Morez, the various right-wing mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique), departing, granted an interview to West France (article reserved for subscribers)May 12. During the last months of his mandate, the city councilor claims to have felt “poor, isolated and left without aid”, especially after the arson of his house and cars. But, since his speech, the messages of support have poured in. “I did not expect such a runaway at all”he confesses.
The announcement of his resignation, linked to a “lack of state support” after months of harassment linked to the relocation of a reception center for asylum seekers (Cada) in his commune, aroused a wave of support among elected officials. The Socialist Party notably called for a symbolic march on May 24 in the commune of Loire-Atlantique in support of Yannick Morez.
“If my resignation had to be used for one thing…”
“I think that if the announcement of my resignation has taken on such importance, it is because there have been so many during this mandate. It may be the straw that will break the camel’s back. If it can make things happen, so much the better !”, he adds to the regional daily. “If my resignation were to be used for one thing, I would like it to be the rapprochement of state services with local elected officials. Today, we have the impression of living in two opposite worlds.”
Since her announcement, Elisabeth Borne has expressed her desire to “respond more effectively” threats against elected officials, “strengthen our action to intervene earlier, to identify their difficulties and better support them in the face of violence of which they may be victims”. In the process, the Minister in charge of Territorial Communities, Dominique Faure, assured that she would reveal, also next week, “new ways to prevent and fight” against this type of attack.