Yannick Jadot plans to reduce the duration of school holidays

If elected, the environmentalist presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, does not rule out “reduce vacation time” school holidays, in particular that of the summer holidays, and “revise the service obligations of teachers”as he says in an interview with The cross posted Wednesday, March 16.

According to the MEP, “we must better articulate and balance fundamental knowledge during the day (reading, writing, counting) and devote more time to practical knowledge, nature, culture, sports, manual work”. “All the countries that do better in school than us have fewer school holidays”he argues.

But it will be at “consensus conference”which it intends to put in place, and “to collective negotiations, to define the terms”adds the ecologist. “This meeting – which will be accompanied by job creation and salary increases – should make it possible to repair the institution”he adds.

“I intend to reintroduce maths and to introduce life and earth sciences as subjects in their own right in the common core in first and last year”he continues, in order to “counter the effects of the high school reform, which has resulted in a decline in scientific vocations, especially among girls”.

Finally, the candidate, who also wants to recruit 65,000 more teachers and increase their salaries by 20%, intends “exit permanent notation”. “By favoring competition over cooperation, we exert such pressure on students that they have the impression of playing their academic success on each note, of passing Sciences Po’s great oral examination each time they speak”he laments.

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