Yannick Jadot no longer wants to appear with his partner Isabelle Saporta

To display or not to display your couple and your family while you are in the presidential race, that is the question for those who are participating in the April 2022 elections. In the case of Yannick Jadot, leader of Europe Ecology the Greens, the choice is made: he no longer wishes to appear publicly with his partner Isabelle Saporta. On the set of Elizabeth Martichoux on LCI this February 9, 2022, he explains that the elections have enough consequences on the existence of his beloved.

Back in 2019 and the ballot for the European elections. During the evening to celebrate the third place of his party EELV in the European elections, Yannick Jadot declared in front of his audience: “For my part, at each stage of this campaign, in all the difficult choices, as in all these moments of enthusiasm, nothing would have been possible without my partner.” A little after, Paris Match had unveiled a shoot in which he posed with his lover Isabelle Saporta. Two years later, the politician and the one who was a journalist on RTL did not publicly appear, even when he won the primary of his party, against Sandrine Rousseau.

In front of Elizabeth Martichoux, Yannick Jadot explains their decision: “You know, Isabelle Saporta, my partner, has lost a lot because of my political career. She has lost a lot from the professional point of view, from the point of view of her commitment, from the point of view of her convictions. She’s a long, long, long committed woman and it feels like sometimes she just has to think through my prism, through me. It’s a tough time for a spouse, I think it’s about the same for a spouse. Because there is a form of erasure, everything is brought back to me and it’s not good for people who are so committed, who do so much in life, and who deserve to be respected for that.”

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