Yannick Jadot: His lover Isabelle Saporta, happy mother of 2 girls

Yannick Jadot is the guest of the political meeting of France 2 at the time of the presidential elections on February 17, 2022: Elysee 2022. During this program, the candidate Europe Ecologie les Verts will have to defend his ideas and his program in front of journalists, in particular Laurent Guimier and Nathalie Saint-Cricq – she replaced at short notice Léa Salamé, suffering from Covid-19, but also policies. Indeed, he will debate against Jordan Bardella, figure of the RN. An evening that promises to be intense and for which he has certainly prepared with his companion, passionate about the issue of the environment like him, Isabelle Saporta.

The love story between MEP EELV (54) and Isabelle Saporta (45) became known to the general public in 2019, when Yannick Jadot welcomed the breakthrough of the Greens in the Europeans. During his speech, he said:Nothing would have been possible without her.” At the time, she was a journalist on RTL and had to resign to avoid any suspicion of conflicts of interest.

The couple then appeared hand in hand in the pages of Paris Match, but today they no longer want to expose their relationship. Yannick Jadot explained it on LCI: “[Elle] lost a lot because of my political career. She has lost a lot from the professional point of view, from the point of view of her commitment, from the point of view of her convictions. She’s a long, long, long committed woman and it feels like sometimes she just has to think through my prism, through me.”

Currently literary director for Fayard editions, Isabelle Saporta continues her path with Yannick Jadot and their blended family. Indeed, if the politician is the father of two big boys born from a previous relationship, the author of black book on agriculture had two girls by his side. In Liberation in 2019, we could read of his private life: “Before, she was for more than twenty years with the same man, the father of her two young daughters.“She does not expose them but allowed herself to publish on Instagram a tender photo of them.

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