Other names of environmentalist figures could join the list, according to the party leadership on Thursday.
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The former environmentalist presidential candidates Yannick Jadot, Eva Joly and Noël Mamère will be on Marie Toussaint’s list in the European elections, in ineligible positions, as well as the party boss, Marine Tondelier, announced Thursday April 11 the management of the Ecologists confirming information from Figaro. Other names of environmentalist figures could join the list, the same source said.
Two new opening candidates will also enter the list, after a vote by the federal council scheduled for Saturday: the Breton fisherman and activist Charles Braine, 43, in 16th position, and the environmentalist entrepreneur and columnist of “Grandes Gueules Flora Ghebali, 28, in position 11. They join the ex-yellow vest Priscillia Ludosky and the young association president Amine Kessaci, from the working-class neighborhoods of Marseille, already revealed in December.
The exclusion of Bénédicte Monville confirmed on Saturday
The federal council must also ratify on Saturday the exclusion from the party and from the European list of the former regional councilor of Ile-de-France Bénédicte Monville, who “insulted the head of the list on“, accused the party of doing “the game of fascism”and broke the closed session of a federal council, said the management.
Two months before the election, Marie Toussaint is in difficulty in the polls, credited with around 6% of voting intentions, far from Yannick Jadot’s score of 13.4% in 2019. “We win together, we lose together”said Thursday morning on Public Senate Marine Tondelier, refusing to blame the bad polls on her head of list.