Yanis Marshall cold with a Star Academy candidate? This Instagram photo that set fire to the powder

On November 26, the “Star Academy” closed its doors again after 6 intense weeks of competition. An adventure during which the candidates surpassed themselves, in particular thanks to the help of their teachers. Uncompromising, Yanis Marshall pushed budding artists to give the best of themselves. But if he was demanding within the castle, he did not hide his affectionate side. Friendly, the famous dancer has even forged very strong ties with his little proteges.

But if they now form a beautiful and large family, certain tensions sometimes come to disturb the good understanding of the tribe. On December 11, Yanis Marshall shared photos of an evening spent with his students. Clichés that an academician obviously did not want him to publish.

“I am mistreated”

Carla ordered me to delete the old one and put this one instead… “, wrote the friend of Ellen Pompeo on Instagram before adding: “ I am mistreated “. Fortunately, Yanis Marshall and Carla are not cold. “ I frankly understand it when I saw the first photo, I said to myself: ‘He didn’t dare to display Carla like that’ “commented a comrade of the young woman. Internet users, for their part, seemed rather delighted to be able to enter into the intimacy of the teacher. “The photo is superb”, “You are all beautiful, it’s a great photo”, “You are just beautiful, we all miss you”could we read.

One thing is certain, it is that Yanis Marshall is very close to the candidates. It remains to be seen whether he will be just as fused with the next promotion. Indeed, according to information from Télé-Loisirs, the famous program has already been renewed. “The next season was almost done even before the launch of season 10, but we still had to wait for the hearings. The signing was not supposed to take place until after the final, but in the end, TF1 wanted to speed up the process in order to open the casting from midnight November 26., confided a source close to the production to our colleagues. To be continued…


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