Yaël Braun-Pivet writes to deputies to “remind” them of the “rules” of the institution

In a letter addressed to the deputies, the President of the National Assembly points to a “worrying deterioration in the quality of the exchanges” in recent weeks.

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, wrote Friday, April 7 to the deputies for their “recall all the rules intended to frame and guide [leur] behavior“. This reminder, in the form of a letter obtained by France Inter, comes after months marked by “serious individual or collective dysfunctions” and by “a worrying deterioration in the serenity and quality” of the “tradesat the Palais Bourbon.

Yaël Braun-Pivet emphasizes in particular that “in the hemicycle, expression is exclusively oral“. So, “the use, in particular during questions to the government, in support of a statement, of graphics, placards, documents, various objects or instruments is prohibited“. “The use of any communication tool with the outside from the hemicycle“, is prohibited, she also recalls. This includes “the platforms retransmitting the video or audio stream of the debates“like Twitch, popular with the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) Ugo Bernalicis.

>> MP Ugo Bernalicis under surveillance after videos on Twitch in the hemicycle

“Prohibited” shorts and bermudas

As for “the dress code adopted by the deputies in the hemicycle“, She “must be neutral and in line with the solemnity of the place“.”As such, it must remain suitable and not relaxed or, a fortiori, neglected“, she explains, with an example: “wearing shorts or Bermuda shorts” East “prohibited“. Observance of these rules is essential “so that this legislature continues in more dignified and more serene conditions, and that we return to a peaceful functioning of our institution“.

This letter follows the sanctions decided on Wednesday by the office of the National Assembly, its highest authority, made public in a press release. “Members who have broken the rules of the Assembly in recent weeks, in an organized and systematic way“scoop”of a call to order“, Who “corresponds to the first level of disciplinary penalties applicable to members of the Assembly“, according to this document.

>> EDITORIAL. The arms of honor of Eric Dupont-Moretti, a new example of the degradation of parliamentary debate

In all, at least 76 deputies are concerned, said a parliamentary source to France Inter. They are essentially deputies from La France insoumise (LFI). “I am sanctioned for having broadcast, in part, the debates of the joint committee on pension reform“, confirms one of them, Hadrien Clouet. “Macronism is elected officials who want to hide their decisions from voters“, he accuses, considering that a “Republican can’t accept it“.

“We are not kids to be punished”

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, is particularly targeted. “OK boomer“, thus adds Hadrien Clouet, when his colleague LFI Paul Vannier, also sanctioned, accuses him of behaving “as a grotesque gang leader” Who “belittle parliament“.”We are not kids to be punished but deputies who oppose your pension reform“, is indignant the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau, who has also received a call to order.

No call to order will silence or scare us. And to think so is a big mistake“, hammers the deputy. “There are sanctions that we wear like medals“, boasts for his part the LFI Maxime Laisney.sang the anthem of the Nation when the Prime Minister twisted the arm of the parliamentary representation”. Some deputies are indeed sanctioned, according to the same press release, for having “held up placards (…) during the session on Thursday, March 16, thus causing an uproar“It was on this day that Elisabeth Borne triggered 49.3 with the aim of having the pension reform adopted without a vote. When she was about to do so, several left-wing elected officials held up signs.”64 years old is no” in the hemicycle, and sang the Marseillaise.

I would like to solemnly apologize for having dared to ‘hold up a sign’“, ironically the Insoumis François Piquemal, who is one of these elected officials. “May Jupiter forgive me“, he adds, alluding to Emmanuel Macron.

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