Yaël Braun-Pivet tries to impose his style but it does not please everyone

This Monday at 4 p.m., the National Assembly resumed its debates in the hemicycle. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne was to be the first to speak on Ukraine, but that was without counting on Yaël Braun-Pivet who, after her regular opening message, spoke for several long minutes about Ukraine where she has just passed five days. An “extremely rare” declaration, confirms the Presidency but assumed by the teams of Yael Braun-Pivet.

Here is a little anecdote to illustrate the fact that the latter has not planned to remain silent: Yaël Braun-Pivet wants to embody a very political, media and visible place where his predecessor, Richard Ferrand, also had a very political role but at the bottom more discreet, because on the line. Richard Ferrand was above all very close to Emmanuel Macron, which is not the case with Braun-Pivet. She and Macron are not friends. She was not the candidate of the Elysée for the perch. She doesn’t get along particularly well with Alexis Kohler, Emmanuel Macron’s right-hand man, and if she’s on Renaissance’s “Executive Board”, it’s above all because she’s a “member by right” by virtue of her position…

However, this distance with the Elysée does not weaken it. It even allows him to cultivate his freedom of speech, sometimes with personal positions on the end of life or on the method for reforming pensions.

She’s straight in her boots“, explains one of his relatives. Yaël Braun-Pivet also wants the Assembly to assume its role of controlling government action, a prerogative that was less present in the previous term of office. For example, it pushes the presidents of Commissions to multiply the hearings of ministers, which, obviously, adds work to the executive.

Faced with this freedom, some question his loyalty: “She sometimes goes a little too far, she must not forget that she belongs to the majority”, slips a Renaissance frame. But more than his declarations, it is the ambitions of Yaël Braun-Pivet who question behind the scenes. This is what a close friend of Emmanuel Macron says. His trip to Ukraine? “A strange desire to develop its international stature…“His desire to appear close to the base?A common point with Ségolène Royal“, whispers a frame there macronie, for which, you will have understood, it is not a compliment in macronie. We also lend him ambitions for 2027.

At the head of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet therefore intrigues as much as she upsets.

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