Yaël Braun-Pivet calls a Renaissance MP to order, the entourage of the President of the National Assembly defends herself

A series of calls to order in the hemicycle, Tuesday, October 11. After issuing calls to order against RN deputies Alexandre Loubet and Frédéric Boccaletti, for having respectively qualified the ministers Bruno Le Maire and Pap Ndiaye as “cowardly” and “communitarian”, the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, called to order the Renaissance deputy Astrid Panosyan- Bouvet, provoking the indignation of certain members of the majority.

Before the vote on the bill initiating a new unemployment insurance reform, Renaissance de Paris MP Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet denounced “50-year-old xenophobic DNA” of the National Rally. She was then in turn given a call to order by the President of the National Assembly.

“The deputies of the group are furious”, reacted a member of the majority to franceinfo. “It’s unacceptable (…) We have a problem with its over-neutrality which becomes embarrassing”, continued a member of Renaissance interviewed by franceinfo. A parliamentarian from the majority also criticized this call to order, saying that“Obviously, we must be able to confront the RN with its history”.

Contacted by franceinfo on Tuesday evening, the entourage of Yaël Braun-Pivet explains that the President of the National Assembly has desired since the resumption of the session to better frame the excesses of July, in the interest of the debates and the institution”.

“It is rather in this perspective, of peaceful debates in an atmosphere that we can describe as electric today”, added this same source, stressing that the call to order pronounced against Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet is of lesser force than those given to the RN”. “It was desirable to avoid provocations, when we are only at the very beginning (of the exam) of the PLF”, insists the entourage of the president.

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