Xutik – Kantu Berrien Azalean

There are bands that have found the recipe to make the crowds dance, and Xutik is undoubtedly one of them!
7 musicians, who combine electric guitars and traditional instruments… Xutik has a real musical signature since its creation in 2008.
This May 20, 2022, after several years of hiatus, Xutik releases his 4th album, “Kantu Berrien Azalean”.

“Kantu Berrien Azalean”: hit of the summer in the making

“Kantu Berrien Azalean” is the name given to the album, but also the title presented in preview, to announce the new opus of Xutik.
The text recalls the musicians’ attachment to traditional music, which they feed on to create the music of today and tomorrow.
It’s joyful, dancing, pure Xutik as we like it!

Xutik on stage

Xutik will present its new record “Kantu Berrien Azalean” on Sunday June 5 in Baigorry, on the occasion of the Gaita Egunak days, and on Saturday June 11 at the Arcangues festivals.

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