Xi says ready to work with Washington for stable relations

(Beijing) Chinese President Xi Jinping said Monday he is ready to work with the United States to promote stable bilateral relations, on the occasion of the 45e anniversary of Sino-American diplomatic relations, which the two leaders welcomed, state media reported.

Beijing and Washington should “implement concrete actions to promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of China-US relations,” Xi said.

The Chinese leader stressed that he is “ready to work with President Biden to continue to advance China-US relations, benefit China and the United States and their peoples, and promote peace and development in the world,” state broadcaster CCTV said.

According to Mr. Xi, cited by the same source, “adherence to mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and cooperation (with which everyone benefits) is the correct way for China and the United States to ‘interact “.

The Chinese and American presidents met in San Francisco (United States) in November and promised to improve communication between their two countries.

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