“Art is useless and devoting oneself to cinema is a waste of time. It is in these words that Quebec filmmaker Xavier Dolan told Spanish media that he would stop making films. The filmmaker, however, quickly claimed that his remarks had been badly reported.
The 34-year-old filmmaker recently told the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that he intended to end his directing career. ” I’m tired. I don’t see the need to continue,” he said.
In El Paísanother medium established in Spain, he also said that he was definitely renouncing film and directing, believing that all the work that comes with the realization of his works does not equal the results obtained, especially on the financial side.
All these remarks, widely relayed by the Quebec and European media, caused a lot of reaction. On Instagram, in a story published Thursday afternoon, the main interested party wanted to reject the comments attributed to him in the columns of the Spanish media.
“Of course art is important. Of course cinema is not a waste of time. Sometimes words are taken out of context and the meaning of things gets lost in translation. I will explain myself soon. Also I’m fine lol,” he wrote.

There story Xavier Dolan’s Instagram
Contacted by The PressXavier Dolan’s agent indicated that he would not comment further on the situation for the moment and that he would make a publication on this subject at the appropriate time.
Don’t insist
This isn’t the first time Dolan has hinted at the end of his directing career, however. Since the release of its first series, The night Laurier Gaudreault woke upthe Quebecer hinted in a few interviews that he no longer wanted to continue on the same path.
In January, Dolan told the newspaper The world that he “felt like he said everything [qu’il avait] to say” and spoke of a long break ahead. His thinking seems to have evolved and he was much more categorical with the Spanish newspapers.
“I don’t understand what’s the point of insisting on telling stories when everything is collapsing around you,” he told El Mundo. Art is useless and devoting oneself to cinema is a waste of time. »
I think about what my job is about and I see myself writing, filming, editing, being in post-production… And then traveling the world talking about what I’ve shot, edited and post-produced. We act like we have all the time in the world, but if there’s one thing we don’t have, it’s time.
Xavier Dolan in interview with El Mundo
Before the Illico series The night Laurier Gaudreault woke upacclaimed by critics, Xavier Dolan has signed eight feature films, including I killed my mother (2009), Mommy (2014) and his most recent, Matthias and Maxime (2019). He has also made music videos, notably for British star Adele (for the songs Hello And Easy on Me). Xavier Dolan also has roles as an actor, producer and voice actor on his CV.
When the newspaper El Mundo asked him what he planned for the future, Xavier Dolan replied: “I’m going to build myself a house and go and take refuge there with my friends and watch the world burn. »
On video: the trailer for The night Laurier Gaudreault woke up