Xavier De Moulins forced to reframe Emmanuel Macron!

Just over two weeks before the first round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron was, Wednesday, March 23, the guest in 19:45 on M6. The opportunity to present the key measures of his program against Xavier De Moulins.

The president-candidate spoke in particular of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA). “If we want to succeed in this battle for full employment, we must not simply pay the RSA, we must accompany, ask for a commitment, it is these 15 to 20 hours of integration activity, training…”, he said in particular before the presenter cut him off. But the husband of Brigitte Macron reiterated his point. “We heard you, candidate. We heard you. It’s time to move on to another topic”. But the head of state obviously did not want to hear it that way: “The other point if you allow me…”. Except he ran into a “no” by Xavier DeMoulins. This did not prevent him from continuing but from running into a wall once again. “I don’t allow you anymore. We’re going to move on to youth now”.

“No, but I still slip it”insisted Emmanuel Macron. Seeing that his guest had difficulty respecting the rules, the colleague of Kareen Guiock and Nathalie Renoux. “Mr. candidate, I am the master of the clocks here, it’s not you, Mr. candidate”.

After Yannick Jadot, Eric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse and the outgoing president, the channel will receive Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Thursday March 24. And on Sunday March 27, Emmanuel Macron will be received by Francis Letellier on the show Sunday in politics on France 3. As a reminder, the first round takes place on April 10. If we refer to the polls, we would find in the second round President Macron and Marine Le Pen.

See also: When Emmanuel Macron dares to joke about the age of his wife, Brigitte Macron!


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