Xavier Bertrand wants to be a unifier



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Sunday June 5, Xavier Bertrand is the guest of Sunday in politics. While concern about the legislative elections weighs on the Republicans, the former minister wants to be reassuring and unifying.

Sunday, June 12 will take place the first round of the legislative elections. On this occasion, Xavier Bertrand came to speak on the set of Sunday in politics, Sunday June 5. The president of the Hauts-de-France region is critical of the start of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term. He first expresses regret for the inaction of the President of the Republic, as President of the European Union since January 1, 2022. “He did not do anything”, explains the member of the Republicans. He also regrets the outbursts that surrounded the Champions League final. “We have from the beginning of this five-year term, the return of disorder”describes Xavier Bertrand.

Xavier Bertrand is reluctant towards the initiative of the head of state to create a national council for refoundation. For him, this role must be fulfilled by the already existing institutions that are the Senate and the National Assembly. For him, the President of the Republic “walking on eggshells” because he wants to see his party have the majority after the legislative elections. Xavier Bertrand is campaigning for a retirement at 65 with possible adjustments. He also points to the lack of details given on the next pension reform. A week before the legislative elections, the president of the Hauts-de-France region wishes to mobilize and bring people together. In addition, Xavier Bertrand does not want the introduction of proportional representation for the legislative elections for fear of seeing an ungovernable hemicycle.

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