Xavier Bertrand pleads for a “parliamentary democracy”

“If we avoid an absolute majority in the National Rally next Sunday, we will have to get to work intelligently,” pleaded the LR president of the Hauts-de-France region, Friday on franceinfo.


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Xavier Bertrand, president (LR) of the Hauts-de-France region, Friday July 5, 2024 on franceinfo. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

The LR president of Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, pleaded on Friday July 5 on franceinfo in favor of a “parliamentary democracy” as an alternative to a National Assembly without a majority. “There comes a time when you have to be able to say ‘we’re not denying ourselves, but we’re trying to see how we can move forward'”he explained.

“If we avoid an absolute majority in the National Rally“Next Sunday, we will have to get to work intelligently”he said. “The groups in the Assembly will have to be able to say: ‘The time has come for parliamentary democracy’,” he specified. The president of the Hauts-de-France region called for parliamentary alliances, outside LFI and RN, with circumstantial majorities depending on the bills. “On purchasing power, are there no ways to agree? To make health an absolute priority again, are there no ways to agree?” asked the former minister of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy.

“If everyone is stuck on their own ideas, it can’t work,” warned the tenor of the right who sketches a road map around three pillars: “a parliamentary democracy”a social democracy” And “democracy in the territories”. “I sincerely believe that it is possible and that there is hope of getting out of the ditch and moving forward again,” he enthused.

“We can no longer afford lukewarm water, we can no longer afford half-decisions.”

Xavier Bertrand, LR president of Hauts-de-France

on franceinfo

According to him, after the second round of the legislative elections, there will be no “no question of doing as before”. “There is no question of lining up behind the ex-Macrons to apply the same policy as yesterday”he argued. The candidate for the right-wing primary for the 2022 presidential election advocated a “complete change of policy” and to a “complete change of attitude towards the French”. “We must stop running France from Paris without understanding what is happening beyond the ring road. We must put ourselves in people’s shoes, understand their suffering, their anger,” hammered Xavier Bertrand.

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