The president of the Hauts-de-France region considers that Marine Le Pen was “ready for anything by voting for this law, even to regularize 10,000 people who are today in hiding”.
Reading time: 8 min

“By voting for the immigration law, Marine Le Pen went from an ideological victory to a political betrayal of her voters”, reacted Thursday December 21 on franceinfo Xavier Bertrand, the president of the Hauts-de-France region. For him, the vote on this law on Tuesday evening is not “certainly not” an ideological victory for the National Rally, as claimed by the leader of the far-right party.
The immigration bill was adopted on Tuesday by the National Assembly, thanks to the support of deputies from the National Rally.
Xavier Bertrand considers that Marine Le Pen was “ready to do anything by voting for this law, even to regularize 10,000 people who are today in hiding”. According to him, the members of the RN are “ready to do anything for political opportunism, ready to do anything, to say everything and its opposite to gain power”.
Dangerous foreigners “can be more easily put out of harm’s way”
Basically, Xavier Bertrand speaks of a law “which allows us to better control immigration and protect the French”. According to him, this law “will make it easier to send back foreigners who have nothing to do in the territory”. The president of the Hauts-de-France region underlines the fact that dangerous foreigners “can be more easily put out of harm’s way”since a “foreigner who presents a disturbance to public order, if there is an OQTF, will be subject to a custodial measure”. An idea that he explains he put on the table, “after the terrible attack in Arras”.
Concerning the countries of origin which refuse to recover their nationals, Xavier Bertrand calls for “engage in a real standoff”even if it means threatening these countries with “suspend development aid”.